Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Favorite Memories of the Summer

There are plenty reasons why this post is the first in a month, the most recent being that I am on day 10 of the flu. But I guess being sick should give me more time to reflect and update . . . so here is a short list of my favorite memories of the summer.

drinking sonic with my girls. All day every day.

eating with my husband at our favorite spot along the river, a gourmet mexican restaurant that puts my salsa to shame.

finding the best dried mangoes are sold at Walmart.

Now that I have gotten my food fixes out . . .

going to John's aunts house in Oklahoma for a weekend with my team.

listening to "swing swing" in the car with my ladies drumming on the seats and dashboard
seeing God use ordinary college students and me to further His Kingdom!
being a part of three women's intense, life-changing growth
developing an increased desire to spend more and more time with Jesus, reading my Bible.
feeling surrounded as God's Beloved.
watching my husband use his unique ability to lead men and women in life, understanding of
Scripture and walk with Jesus. He is on fire folks.

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